thursday july 28, 2011

i woke up so tired this morning. i HAVE to start going to bed earlier! of course, i've been saying that since i was about 6 years old too, lol. i've always had problems actually going to bed. sleeping, not so hard unless i'm wound up or caffeinated, but it's the actual act of going to bed that is so hard for me. so i made it to bed about 1:30 this morning and had to get up at 7:30 which isnt so bad but you add in the fact that i've been doing this for near on a week now so my body is seriously lacking in sleep. even now i have one of those headaches way in the back that's throbbing and chanting "sleep, sleep, sleep." however, i know if i go to sleep now i wont want to do the things i need to when i wake up. ugh i am so undisciplined!!

we had a guest speaker today so our class only lasted about 40 minutes as opposed to the usual hour. that wasnt so bad and i could have stayed at school and done all my work but amberly started band practice today so she had to be at the high school by 1. i hate being in a hurry so i just came on home, piddled a bit on facebook, had a shower, then some lunch, and now here i am. i have my textbook open and ready to work. so why am i on here? LOL because i'm a procrastinator!! no two ways about it and no way to sugar-coat it.

james was leaving out for work when i was coming in from school. i love him, he's such a sweetheart, even though, like any couple, we have our ins and outs. we get on each other's nerves (i know for a fact i get on his quite frequently) but we still love each other and he is irreplaceable in my life. no matter what happens or who comes along, he will always be my number one and i plan on keeping him forever and ever (at least as long as God wills it).

so far it hasnt been really hot outside; the sun didnt come out proper until just a little while ago, which means the mercury will probably starting rising fast. i'm so ready for fall and winter to get here; they are my favorite seasons: i love cold and rain and all that jazz. dont get me wrong, i like the heat too, i just hate the thick oppressive blanket of humidity that is a Georgia summer. early summer and late summer (right before the cool weather kicks in) are the best times in my opinion as far as summer is concerned. and i said summer way too many times in the sentence lol.

anyway, so much for my boring day so far. i am going to give this homework stuff a good ole georgia girl try. i'll most likely be back later to drone on some more, but until then, stay cool (literally, stay cool, it's hot!).


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