today has been a scorcher! it literally felt like a wave from an oven every time i went outside. you know how it feels when you are baking something and you open the oven door to take it out and the wave of heat just rolls out and smacks you in the face? yeah. that's how it felt.
the classroom i usually wait around in was closed today so i didn't have anywhere to get power for my laptop. for some reason there are virtually no plugins in any of the hallways or student centers, not even in the library! the only plugins are in the classrooms. so when my battery got so low i had to stop, i decided to go find somewhere in town with wifi. i ended up at dairy queen. the wifi was free and i got treated to the air conditioning and an ice cream. what more can a girl ask for? LOL
as i surfed around, i noticed that several tables in front of me sat a man wearing a "biker's" outfit. jeans, leather pants, leather vest, leather "do-rag," black shades. "iron pigs" was stitched onto the back of his vest. no more than 2 or 3 minutes after i noticed him, a woman arrived and joined him. they seemed to know each other but it appeared kind of tense; maybe an old flame reunion? they hugged innocently but slowly inched closer and closer until they had full frontal body contact. then they sat across from each other, he finishing his meal, she watching him.
i was too far away to hear their conversation, although a stray word or 2 did float my way, along with her occasional laughter. a few minutes into their exchange, i looked up to notice they were holding hands. at one point he put his shades back on while they talked. now i'm not a psychologist and i'm certainly no expert in the behaviors of men, but i do know when someone wants to avoid eye contact.
shortly after, the man arose and walked to the restroom. the woman sort of slumped in her seat and looked at something in her purse, but she did not take it out. i figured it was a cell phone. maybe she was checking the time?
in less than 2 minutes the man returned from the rest room but did not sit back down. instead, he stopped at the end of the table and picked up his drink. he spoke to the woman and she stood also. they walked out of the restaurant.
in the parking lot, they stopped next to his motorcycle. they spoke a few more seconds and then kissed, a bit teasingly, then broke apart. she kept her hands on his arms and they kissed again, this time a bit more passionately, before he pulled away and turned to his cycle. still with her hand on his arm, she pulled him back. i could see the reluctance in his body language but he came back to her anyway and they embraced yet again. her arms went around his neck, his hands to her hips, and they kissed. he then pulled away again and turned to his cycle, mounted, and rode away. she stood the whole time and watched him until he was out of the parking lot. she then walked away.
the entire exchange left me with questions. was this a "day after" meeting? were they two old flames trying to rekindle the spark? why didnt he walk her to her vehicle? why did my ice cream disappear so quickly??