my movie list

movies i love and could (and have, and DO!) watch over and over again:

forrest gump
dirty dancing
independence day
remember the titans
rocky horror picture show
toy story
the lion king
pretty woman
liar liar

friday night, august 05, 2011

James and I are watching "Remember the Titans." I love this movie. It's based on true events and I absolutely love the way it was portrayed. . I cannot imagine living in that world where the hatred was so evident and advocated by so many. I know we have hatred all over in our world today, and yeah, I know statistically speaking I am on the side of "majority" but I've been on the receiving end of hatred and prejudice and I think can understand just a smidgen of what people experienced then. To be hated and discriminated against because of who you are, where you're from, or how you's scary. It saddens you, angers you, confuses you.

From the Hollywood aspect, I love the cast in the movie. Denzel Washington is one of my favorite actors; I love his mannerisms and the way he speaks. He is consistent with his inflections in every one of his movies. Will Patton was great in this movie too. I loved him in "Armageddon" too, which happens to be one of my top 5 favorite movies. I could watch it over and over day after day and never get tired of it.

Back to the movie at hand....I love the way this story is told. To live in a world like those guys lived in is just unfathomable. The way the coaches came together to show that group of young men how to be real men, well, it is inspirational. So many people today could learn lessons from these guys. Not just racially speaking, but in general. Today so many people are teaching "I'm gonna get mine and I'm not worried about anyone else" and that's such a bad attitude to have. Julius said in the movie "attitude reflects leadership" and that's true for the most part but there are people who have bad attitudes no matter what.

I think so many people today have lost or never been taught compassion or love for each other. Not just a love of mate or child, but a love of mankind; a sense of hospitality and overall friendship.

Instead, shouldn't we try a different approach? What can I do for YOU? How can I help YOU? Is there anything YOU need? Can we work TOGETHER to reach our goals?

Remember, no matter how a person looks, he is still a person who deserves respect and compassion. Social class superiority is a fallacy. We're all humans. Let's treat each other that way. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Love the Lord. Love conquers all.

friday august 05, 2011

yesterday i was invited to join a group on facebook that reminisces about my old hometown, claxton. i joined and started reading and commenting, and i realized how many things i had forgotten! i read comments from people i havent seen or even thought of in 20+ years. it opened the floodgates to a lot of memories, both good and bad.

for reasons i dont really care to get into right now, growing up was a bit hard on me. i wish i had MORE happier memories like the ones i read from everyone else. dont get me wrong, i have happy memories, just not a lot of them. well actually i dont even want to talk about that now that i've opened this proverbial can of worms. *replaces lid and squishes the escapees*

yesterday i took the last test of this quarter. i have two final exams, one monday and one tuesday, and tuesday is my last day of class. i'll be through with school until the 22nd of august. the kids and i start back on the same day. oh boy that's gonna be one hectic morning, i can tell right now! i'm always late anyway, that's just a fact of life for me. i always joke and say i can start out 3 hours early and still be late! but in all honesty that's the truth, lol. i dont know why, it's always been like that for me.

over the course of the past hour i've developed a headache. everything is very bright, brighter than it should be, and the light hurts my eyes. i'm leading up to either a migraine or a case of vampirism. either way i will have to do pretty much the same thing for a little while: hide in a cold dark place. minus the blood-drinking. im trying to cut back (haha).

well let's back up another paragraph....i was talking about finishing this quarter. i have a 4.0 GPA....whooop whooop! the classes were wicked easy but tedious. it's hard toiling through 5 weeks stuff i already know. but i did it, by crackey! the finals will be a breeze. then on the 22nd i have to start the hard stuff. probably going to be doing some anatomy/physiology and some math/chemistry. chemistry is the only subject i'm even concerned about. i didnt fare so well in that when i was in high school, but i did pass. maybe now that my study skills and retention abilities are (hopefully!) honed with age, i will do better. life experience and existing knowledge have a lot to do with how well you learn something new, at least for me.

i've really been receiving a lot of discouragement and negative feedback from family and friends about my choice of study and to be honest, it's kind of having an effect on my psyche. i'm starting to doubt myself, and i hate when i doubt myself. i rarely doubt myself! i always know that i can pull through in the end with whatever i endeavor as long as i want to do it, but for some reason everyone coming down on me is taking its toll. i understand everyone's concerns but encouragement goes a long way in a person's success. i wish they understood that. besides, my options as a cosmetologist are not limited to just cutting hair. there are many jobs in that field that i will be qualified for when i am licensed.

tuesday august 02, 2011

today has been a scorcher! it literally felt like a wave from an oven every time i went outside. you know how it feels when you are baking something and you open the oven door to take it out and the wave of heat just rolls out and smacks you in the face? yeah. that's how it felt.

the classroom i usually wait around in was closed today so i didn't have anywhere to get power for my laptop. for some reason there are virtually no plugins in any of the hallways or student centers, not even in the library! the only plugins are in the classrooms. so when my battery got so low i had to stop, i decided to go find somewhere in town with wifi. i ended up at dairy queen. the wifi was free and i got treated to the air conditioning and an ice cream. what more can a girl ask for? LOL

as i surfed around, i noticed that several tables in front of me sat a man wearing a "biker's" outfit. jeans, leather pants, leather vest, leather "do-rag," black shades. "iron pigs" was stitched onto the back of his vest. no more than 2 or 3 minutes after i noticed him, a woman arrived and joined him. they seemed to know each other but it appeared kind of tense; maybe an old flame reunion? they hugged innocently but slowly inched closer and closer until they had full frontal body contact. then they sat across from each other, he finishing his meal, she watching him.

i was too far away to hear their conversation, although a stray word or 2 did float my way, along with her occasional laughter. a few minutes into their exchange, i looked up to notice they were holding hands. at one point he put his shades back on while they talked. now i'm not a psychologist and i'm certainly no expert in the behaviors of men, but i do know when someone wants to avoid eye contact.

shortly after, the man arose and walked to the restroom. the woman sort of slumped in her seat and looked at something in her purse, but she did not take it out. i figured it was a cell phone. maybe she was checking the time?

in less than 2 minutes the man returned from the rest room but did not sit back down. instead, he stopped at the end of the table and picked up his drink. he spoke to the woman and she stood also. they walked out of the restaurant.

in the parking lot, they stopped next to his motorcycle. they spoke a few more seconds and then kissed, a bit teasingly, then broke apart. she kept her hands on his arms and they kissed again, this time a bit more passionately, before he pulled away and turned to his cycle. still with her hand on his arm, she pulled him back. i could see the reluctance in his body language but he came back to her anyway and they embraced yet again. her arms went around his neck, his hands to her hips, and they kissed. he then pulled away again and turned to his cycle, mounted, and rode away. she stood the whole time and watched him until he was out of the parking lot. she then walked away.

the entire exchange left me with questions. was this a "day after" meeting? were they two old flames trying to rekindle the spark? why didnt he walk her to her vehicle? why did my ice cream disappear so quickly??