friday night, august 05, 2011

James and I are watching "Remember the Titans." I love this movie. It's based on true events and I absolutely love the way it was portrayed. . I cannot imagine living in that world where the hatred was so evident and advocated by so many. I know we have hatred all over in our world today, and yeah, I know statistically speaking I am on the side of "majority" but I've been on the receiving end of hatred and prejudice and I think can understand just a smidgen of what people experienced then. To be hated and discriminated against because of who you are, where you're from, or how you's scary. It saddens you, angers you, confuses you.

From the Hollywood aspect, I love the cast in the movie. Denzel Washington is one of my favorite actors; I love his mannerisms and the way he speaks. He is consistent with his inflections in every one of his movies. Will Patton was great in this movie too. I loved him in "Armageddon" too, which happens to be one of my top 5 favorite movies. I could watch it over and over day after day and never get tired of it.

Back to the movie at hand....I love the way this story is told. To live in a world like those guys lived in is just unfathomable. The way the coaches came together to show that group of young men how to be real men, well, it is inspirational. So many people today could learn lessons from these guys. Not just racially speaking, but in general. Today so many people are teaching "I'm gonna get mine and I'm not worried about anyone else" and that's such a bad attitude to have. Julius said in the movie "attitude reflects leadership" and that's true for the most part but there are people who have bad attitudes no matter what.

I think so many people today have lost or never been taught compassion or love for each other. Not just a love of mate or child, but a love of mankind; a sense of hospitality and overall friendship.

Instead, shouldn't we try a different approach? What can I do for YOU? How can I help YOU? Is there anything YOU need? Can we work TOGETHER to reach our goals?

Remember, no matter how a person looks, he is still a person who deserves respect and compassion. Social class superiority is a fallacy. We're all humans. Let's treat each other that way. Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Love the Lord. Love conquers all.

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