early this morning

it's early in the morning and i really should be in bed. i have a field trip of sorts planned for today. i'm going to hang out with my bestest jackie at her house for a while. yeah, that's a field trip for me. lol. boring life huh? i like my boring life though. it's quiet and drama-free, for the most part. i have a great family and great friends (they also qualify as family, it's a two-fer deal yay!) who make me happy and i hope whom i make happy in return. every day i wake up i know it's a great day to be alive, and that's why you will rarely ever hear me complain. i might mention something that's wrong but that's not the same as complaining. that's not to say that i dont ever complain. sometimes i'll get in a tizzy here at home and i'll have my little tantrum and then i'm good for a while but i guess that's just human nature. is there anyone who doesnt have a tizzy once in a while? i seriously doubt it. if so, they're probably on the edge of becoming a serial killer or having a psychotic break of some type. yeah, i watch csi and criminal minds, i know about this stuff! HAHA

james, luke, and i watched a couple of good movies tonight. clash of the titans (the new one) and avatar (the blue people). both were pretty good. i've put off watching avatar because to be honest i didnt know what it was about and it just didnt look like anything i'd be interested in but once i started watching it i liked it. it was a heartwarming story, really. last night we watched the tourist with johnny depp and angelina jolie. that started off very slowly and i wasnt sure what kind of movie it was going to be. for some reason i thought it was going to be a thriller of some type but it wasnt. it was more of an action/mystery and it had a little comedy thrown in for good measure and i loved it. i predicted the outcome way early in the movie. eventually james is going to stop watching movies with me because i do that on a regular basis lol. i've just watched enough movies that i pick up on subtle clues. not all the time though. a lot of times i miss them by a mile. like in book of eli, i totally missed the boat that one lol. if you've seen the movie you know what i'm talking about.

anyway, i'm just wasting time lol. everyone here's asleep but amberly will be waking up in about an hour or so to get ready for band picture day. i need to go to sleep so i am gonna close this entry, so if you're reading this, i'm probably asleep by now.

thanks for reading, i appreciate you, faithful reader.

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