morning, august 08, 2011

Matthew 7:6 says "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

i listened to masked hate, bigotry, prejudice, racism. i didn't say anything. i felt it was futile. just because i am white does not mean i hate everyone who isnt. i do agree that there are bad apples in every bunch, no matter what ethnicity they are, but don't cloister everyone! how can you say you love God and how can you go to church and then proceed to judge someone? ugh! i know people are raised certain ways and to believe certain things but once you become old enough to form your own opinions, you arent bound by what you were "taught."

"that's how i was raised" is such a cop-out. i was raised that way too but i dont practice that nor do i feel that way in my heart. i love everyone but i dont like everyone, but you can be sure that if i dont like you it's because of something i personally experienced with you, not some preconceived idea i have about you because of your skin color, religion, sexual preference, or whatever.

i'd be a virtual hermit if i shunned everyone based on their prejudices, but i dont always keep quiet. i will tell my opinion and beliefs and i never lie or go along with what someone is saying just because i dont want to be ridiculed. i am a firm believer in standing up for what i think is right no matter who is opposing it. this time, though, i felt it was futile and i know for a fact that not everyone in the group has the same hateful opinions that i was hearing. besides, i was in someone else's home and i was not at liberty to leave at a moment's notice if things got less than pleasant, for i was riding with someone else. so while i do stand up for my beliefs, i also recognize a situation when i need to keep my mouth shut. the time will come for me to say what i need to say.

1 comment:

  1. amen and for real. 1st John chapter 4, for those who have heat in their heart have no room for God.

    Love you much <3
