thursday afternoon

it's so hot outside! i cannot even fathom going outside for more than a couple minutes at the time. weather underground says it's 97 with a heat index of 106 and possibility of thunderstorms. i hope it DOES rain! it at least cools off for a little while during and after. plus, there's nothing like the smell of the cool rain hitting the sun-baked ground, the smell that rises out of the dirt and grass, even off the scorching's heavenly. i really dont even know how to begin to describe it to you, except that there's a hint of wet soil with a pinch of sweet thrown in (courtesy: grass), not a sugar-sweet smell though. i guess you just have to be here when it happens, lol. i know i've talked about this a time or two but i love the rain (i guess you worked that out already if you've been following my blog very long). the weather page tells me it's raining right now in vidalia and that the temp there is 79!! that's almost 20 degrees difference! (didnt know you were gonna get a math lesson today, didja?) now james has gone out to cut the grass and i'm just gonna chill inside :)

so for the past 4 or 5 days i've had a pain down in the bottom of my left ear; it's intermittent but i'm still not liking it. it brings back not-so-pleasant memories of the ear infections i used to keep when i was a teenager. once, i had inner ear infections in BOTH ears at the SAME time! that was not pleasant, let me tell you. an ear infection brings dizziness (because your equilibrium is off) which spawns nausea; the infection itself brings fever, and your entire head feels like it's going to explode. your jaw hurts and don't even THINK about trying to eat anything. not that you could keep it down due to the nausea, anyway. if you've ever had one, you know what i'm talking about. it's been a long time since i've had an ear infection, probably 8 or 9 years, but i still remember the unpleasantness. you know, we can remember smells and tastes, but physical pain is one thing that we "forget." we remember that yeah it hurt and we remember that it was horrible, but we cant actually REMEMBER the pain. i've been broken and bruised and even given birth to two children and i remember that it hurt, but i dont recall the sharpness of the pain or the intensity of the hurt. i've heard other people say the same thing and it rings true for me so i just figure it's the same for everyone.....what do y'all think? can you remember the pain or just the fact that it hurt? leave me some comments and let me know your take on it....

meanwhile, i think i'm gonna have a quick nap and then read some more of the stand. remember, faithful reader, synopsis and commentary on chapters 9 and 10 coming up later tonight. stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Rain is washing clean the outside world. I love it when it rains and so does our Bo =)

    And I understand ur ear pains. I never had ear infections as a child but Here in this past year I have had them plenty. Found it was because I have TMJ so its referred pain, it feels like my ears but its actually my jaw joints...only me LOL
    and your right about the forgetting of pain. I think its one of Gods gifts to us.

    Feel better very very very soon dear one <3
    much love from me n bo
