wednesday afternoon, august 10, 2011

well i stayed up way too late last night (gasp! shocker! NOT!!) so i slept most of the day away. i have always loved to sleep during the day and do what i need to do at night. i've been like that ever since i was a child and no matter how hard or how many times i try to change it, i just cant seem to break out of it. i've been called lazy and sorry and several other names i'd rather not put into print, but the simple fact is this: after 30+ years of doing this, i think this is just the way it's going to be. everyone's entitled to his or her own opinion and i respect you in that aspect but this is just me.

i'm looking forward to the end of summer; hopefully around the end of august when it starts to cool off i'm going to start walking, i've made up my mind and nothing is going to change it. jackie is going to walk with me, and nothing is going to change that either, right, jackie? jackie?? now where'd she run off to...?........

on another subject, amberly is trying to sell her guitar and amp, but all she keeps getting are scam artists. they keep wanting to send her checks and money orders for large amounts of money that she can cash, keep her share plus more, then send them the remainder. now i've been online long enough to know that this is a scam but she's only 16 and she doesn't understand. she thinks i'm just being stubborn about her selling the guitar. i think she knows deep down inside that it is a scam but she's disappointed and doesnt want it to be true. i feel bad for her and i wish i could get my hands on the sorry S.O.B. who is trying to scam her. i'd make her eat every one of her emails! (and since emails are on the computer, that means a big ole side dish of hardware, ya sorry bastid!!)

lastly, i'd like to impart the fact that i passed both of my summer classes with flying colors. the quarter ended yesterday and i have a 4.0 GPA.  i'm not bragging, i'm just.....well, yeah i am bragging. i'm proud of myself. i showed up for class every day except once and i was never late.  that's the biggest thing i'm proud of, because i'm always late! ask anyone who knows me well. ask my boss!! hell, ask my ex, i was late twice too many and we ended up with two children, LOL.

well it's almost suppertime so i better mosey to the kitchen and see what i can rustle up for my crew. thank you for taking time to read along with me, and i hope to see you later on when i blog about chapters 5-7 of the stand.


1 comment:

  1. Here I is!! Here I is!! yes we deff gonna start walking as soon as it gets cooler =)
    And I am a day sleeper too, thats why every job but 2 I have had I was HAPPY to get night shift. the other 2 didnt HAVE night shifts lol
    I love ya muchies <3
