a new day

tomorrow i start back to school. this is going to be a long stint, 4 months, so i probably wont have as much free time as i did during the summer transition quarter. hopefully it wont affect my blogging though. i'm sure i'll have something to say about something, i always do.

i also talked to my boss and he doesnt need me on sundays anymore so that little bit of money is gone. he said he would let me work some in the evenings during the week but i've worked with him long enough to know when he's brushing someone off. maybe i'm wrong, i hope i am.

amberly and lucas start school tomorrow too. amberly is a junior and lucas is a sophomore already. it's so hard to believe they are so grown up! it seems like just yesterday i was taking them to preschool. *sniff sniff* it's no longer "mama can i have fifty cents to buy an ice cream?"....now it's "mama i need fifty dollars for band stuff"....*double sniff sniff* i love those kids with all my heart though, i wouldnt trade them for anything. they are both so much like me....THAT part i dont like sometimes lol. they got my good traits, for which i'm ecstatic, but they also got my bad traits, which is the source of much strife in our household. LOL top it off with the fact that they're both teenagers and wooo-boy it's never a dull moment around here, let me tell you!!

1 comment:

  1. As I have no kiddos I can't say I know exactly how you feel, but with my nieces and nephews I am shocked everyday at the fact that they are adults now, with kids and kids on the way of their own. It makes me proud,scared and sad all at the same time =D
    I am proud of your family. You may have your spats, but it very clear you all love each other.

    as for your job, give it to God and He will lead you where its best for you to be.

    love you much Toni!!
