the stand: chapters 13 - 15

from maine back to georgia, chapter 13 finds us in atlanta again, with stu redman. he's still locked up tight behind the steel doors of the "hospital," (i think it's some part of the CDC), and he's still madder than a wet hen. he still hasnt gotten the low-down on what's going on. but then, the steel door opens and enter dick deitz, the man with the plan, the guy who is going to get everything straight with stu. yeah. sure.

so stu and deitz have a little mano e mano, during which deitz tells stu that geraldo the guinea pig has been breathing stu's air and has yet to fall ill. (apparently project blue is harmful to those critters too.) so by the powers vested in deitz and the CDC in atlanta, he now pronounces stu healthy as a horse, but by no means a free man. of all stu's fellow townspeople from arnette, the only other person who isn't sick is eva hodges, one of the three children lila bruett was babysitting way back in the beginning. everyone else is either dying or already dead. in a bright moment of genius, stu, angered at being told everything is "classified" and can't be divulged, begins to hack and cough. deitz becomes scared and runs for the hills but before he can get out of the room, stu tells him it was a fake cough. haha i loves me some stu redman. he's a hoot! even in his sadness at the loss of his friends, he still found a way to deliver one below the belt to the people keeping him in the dark. but since they ARE trying to find a vaccine and/or a cure for the virus, stu finally concedes and agrees to be a willing test subject. deitz leaves, and stu sleeps, and dreams. he dreams of a country road flanked on both sides by corn fields. stu thinks that he should get to there, but in the corn fields lurks something evil, a pair of red eyes that fills stu with hopeless terror. stu wakes up only to think that he's never been to a place like that before in his life.

let's stay at the CDC/hospital/wherever the hell they are for chapter 14. deitz has retired to his office to log his session with stu redman. we learn that stu redman and eva hodges are code-named prince and princess. he talks on about stu's strength and stu's actions during the meeting. we find out how one person reacted positively to a possible vaccine but then died suddenly when the virus regrouped and came back for round two. deitz laments on the general population and how they will likely neglect seeking medical help for what they think is a "common cold" until it's too late, therefore the chances of finding a vaccine are slim. and sadly, we learn that the princess is now sick.

we're becoming familiar faces at the CDC/hospital/whatever place because we're sticking around here for chapter 15 too. if we keep meeting like this, people might start to talk. but that's okay because i dont know how many are gonna be around to spread the rumor! HAHA anyway, enter nurse patty greer, the little lady who got the short end of the stick way back when she tried to get vitals from stu. we can sum this chapter up very quickly: she just started sneezing. she's busy, though, and absently ignores it, thus infecting a bunch of folks throughout the facility. oh this is not going to turn out well. poor stu is locked behind a steel door and project blue is on the loose. captain trips is making his rounds and the prognosis isnt good.

although i've read this book several times, it's getting harder and harder to stop reading after our assigned chapters. i am really getting into it again even though i know what happens. i can feel the characters as real people and i am anxious to keep reading their stories. please, if you havent read it yet, i implore you to give it a try. it really is an epic adventure and a thought-provoking storyline. i doubt you will be disappointed.


  1. as always very good! and i'm with ya on the hard to stop reading part!
    THE STAND and disappointment are not friends at ALL lol
    cant wait to read tomorrows!
