tonight's the night....

....that i have to go to bed early because i have to work in the morning at the ungodly hour of 4:30! it should be illegal and unethical to have to wake up that early!!! BUT: on the good side, i am making money, so i'll grit my teeth and bear it. it's not so bad anyways. all i do is bullchit with people all day and do a little bit of actual work in between, so all in all, i'm okay with it.

cousteau (my little black kitten) has a nasty upper respiratory infection and has to go to the vet tomorrow, so as soon as i'm off work that's where i'll be heading. poor little critter is miserable, i just know he is. : (

classes start back next monday so this week is my last of vacation for a while. i'm looking forward to getting back in class. i am ready to get this show on the road, folks.

well, i have an app on facebook that i want to get caught up so let me go over there and get it done. until next time, faithful reader....


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