the stand: chapters 16 & 17

ever rode in a lincoln continental? well that's what we're doing in chapter 16. trouble is, we're riding with a couple of dope-smoking murderers, lloyd and poke. poke is the brains of the operation (i use the term "brains" very lightly), and lloyd, well, he does all the jumping. poke just tells him how high. and speaking of high, they are both three sheets in the wind, which is no surprise, seeing as how they have a trash bag full of marijuana, some hash, and a dash of cocaine. along for the ride are a stash of guns and some stolen credit cards. oh, and for good measure, the car is stolen. stolen from a family whom poke and lloyd killed. this story just keeps getting better doesnt it? so from nevada to arizona and then back into nevada, poke and lloyd are on a robbing and killing spree, taking what they need and killing anyone who gets in the way. poke and lloyd met in prison, but only one will go back, because at the end of this chapter, the other is in the morgue.

this is one of the few instances where i HOPE the virus jumps on someone.

from one killing spree to another, we'll leave nevada for california for chapter 17. we're back at the army base that our contagious mr. campion ran from back in chapter one. starkey is still there and 2nd class frank bruce is still bobbing for beef in his campbell's chunky soup. more towns besides arnette, texas have had widespread outbreaks of project blue and the press has gotten wind of it. now starkey is forced to make an executive decision in what he perceives is protecting his military. on a call with an unidentified soldier, starkey gives the order for something code-named "troy." shortly thereafter, two reporters are stopped short of town and end up taking a one-way detour to the morgue.

these kinds executive decisions by high-ranking military personnel is something i've read about and watched in movies a countless number of times. i wonder if it really happens? i guess the idea had to come from somewhere....

i like the way king takes us from one story-line to the next; it keeps us on our toes. we have to remember what's going on with each character and where their stories ended when we left them last. 


  1. lol to the point with lots of humor!! I loved the bobbing for beef reference =D i had to smother the laugh to keep from waken the hubster!

    I am having SO much fun doing this, I looked at my first blog and yours and already we have changed our styles of writing (some more than other lol) and yet the point gets across the DEPTH of the story comes through.
    after we are done with this one, (and a bit of a break since u will have school work too) we should plan another one lol

  2. yeah sometimes i do more synopsis than i do commentary. SK does such a great job that sometimes there just isn't room to say anything else.

  3. =D
    he does get it....fantastically said
